The Evolution of Affect Theory
Donovan O University of Pennsylvania Schaefer
Not Available
Satire and the Public Emotions
Robert Flinders University Phiddian
Newborn Imitation
Ruth The Johns Hopkins University and 1 more
Scholastic Affect
Clare Macquarie University and 1 more
Playful Virtual Violence
Christoph HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin Bareither
Phantom Pains and Prosthetic Narratives
Alastair Yale University and 1 more
Feeling Terrified?
Lise Waldek and 2 more
In Stock
£15.30 £17.00
Love in Contemporary Technoculture
Anna Malinowska
Elena Carrera
Marketing Violence
FransWillem Korsten and 3 more
Beyond Compassion
Dolores MartínMoruno
Uncertainty and Emotion in the 1900 Sydney Plague
Philippa Nicole Barr
Ofer Idels
Affective Touching
Mark Paterson